
How Online Gaming Has Evolved Over the Years

Ever since the world of digital gaming entered the online market, gaming developers have been seeking ways to improve it. The moment Pac-Man hit the stage, gamers were already getting tired of the graphics and were demanding a more streamlined experience. This is much the same with any online game and the best news for online gamers is the fact that developers have been able to improve games over time, as technology has become more and more advanced.

This article aims to shed light on the various ways that online gaming has changed over the past years, how online gaming was engaged with before, the impact technology has made and offer insight into the potential future of online gaming.

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

If you have been a gamer for a long time, you will have noticed the shifts in online gaming over the past years. If you have ever played the first versions of NBA, FIFA or even Tony Hawk’s Skateboarding videos, you will have seen just how pixelated the graphics were. Now, back in the day, this was not a problem as people expected this. However, today, it is something far different as people actually expect gaming graphics as good as the Netflix shows they want. Many companies are even researching the importance of gaming variety, versatility and graphics and in their recent report they outline that the games that receive the most play time are those that invest the most time and effort into improving their services.

Heightened Gaming Experiences

The past leads perfectly into the present, which is where technology lives. In this modern day and age, as a player, you can experience some of the most exciting online gaming experiences ever. Just think back to an old FIFA game where you could not tell if you were playing with Iniesta or Xavi, even though they have completely different styles, as all the players looked the same. Enter how things are today, in which you can easily tell the difference between players simply by how they walk on the field or dribble the ball, as the graphics are so well-maintained and perfectly executed.

Another big benefit to online gaming experiences, which can only be attributed to technology, is the fact that there are so many more games to play. Never before have gamers been able to partake in as many different games as there are today. Players are truly spoilt for choice in every way. Gone are the days of needing to choose between two or three games and make the most of it. Now, gamers can choose from a wide variety, which is great as it means that they will never be bored with their favorite games. A truly inspiring moment.

Gamers Can Now Feel Safe When Logging in Online

One aspect of online gaming that has received some seriously good attention over the past few years is the safety and security that people get to experience.

Logging into online platforms or gaming portals used to come with a lot more apprehension than what is experienced today. Before, players were often a bit too nervous to enter their card details into a game to make a purchase and that halted the online gaming industry’s success severely. Now, however, online gamers can make purchases and fully participate in games in any way they wish. The software security that is now implemented has been massively improved. Just think about if players were to use crypto to make purchases – software such as blockchain technology gives them all the peace of mind they could ever want, as it is embedded into a lot of the games.

Beyond this, there are also communities that gamers can now plug into without worrying about making the wrong acquaintances online. There is a far stricter protocol around community chats and sharing, plus there is now 24/7 online support and strict guidelines that players need to adhere to, should they wish to be part of online gaming communities. Again, something that was not as apparent and incorporated as it is today.

The Future is Vivid

Although technology has come a long way since its early days and even with the gaming flexibility and online safety that players are able to experience, there are still many changes that will continue to be implemented over the next few years. Two such examples are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR). These are technologies that are starting to see the light of day, especially in online entertainment.

Many businesses know that if they want to be successful and really have a chance at being one of the top online gaming platforms, then they need to ensure that their games are as technologically advanced as possible. Through incorporating AI and VR, many online gaming services are able to offer their players a few more immersive experience. Just think about the VR headsets that have come to the market. Players are now able to pop these on and find themselves in an alternate reality, where they are the ones dictating their avatars, as opposed to trying to make their avatars move with controls in a 2D manner. This has completely turned online gaming on its head and has created a lot more space for advancements across the board.

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