How To Install Fonts Into Premiere Pro CC in macOS

How To Install Fonts Into Premiere Pro CC in macOS

Welcome back to the channel! We’ll guide you through the straightforward process of adding new fonts to Adobe Premiere Pro 2021 in this video. Your video productions may become more distinctive and allow you to exhibit your creativity by using custom typefaces. Simply follow these simple instructions to rapidly add your preferred fonts to Adobe Premiere Pro.

Step 1: Find and Download Your Desired Fonts

Step 1: Find and Download Your Desired Fonts


You must first locate the typefaces you intend to utilize. A large variety of typefaces, both free and paid, are available on several websites. Download the font files to your PC after making your choice. Fonts are often downloaded in a compressed format like a ZIP archive.

Step 2: Locate and Extract the Font Files

Step 2: Locate and Extract the Font Files

Navigate to the place where your downloads are kept after downloading the fonts. Double-clicking a ZIP folder will extract its contents if you downloaded one. There should be several subfolders inside the extracted folder. One of these subfolders will be specifically labeled as “Fonts.”

Step 3: Install the Fonts

Step 3: Install the Fonts

The real font files may be seen by opening the “Fonts” subdirectory. Along with the actual font files, this folder contains several Adobe Premiere Pro files. Common font file extensions include “.ttf” (for TrueType Font) and “.otf” (for OpenType Font).

Double-click the font file on a Mac or Windows computer to install it. This action should initiate the font preview program. The preview program will display the font style along with some writing on the side of the boxes.

Step 4: Install the Font

With the font preview displayed, click on the drop-down box, which will likely have an option labeled “Install Font” or something similar. Clicking this option will initiate the installation process for that particular font.

Step 5: Repeat for Each Font

Repeat the procedure for each font you’ve downloaded. To install a font, double-click it, activate the font preview software, and then select “Install Font.” You may then use this method to install any fonts you want to use in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Step 6: Using Adobe Premiere Pro’s Installed Fonts

The appropriate typefaces will be readily available in Adobe Premiere Pro after you have installed them. The methods below explain how to use freshly installed fonts in your video productions.

Open Adobe Premiere Pro 2021.
Create or select a text layer in your project timeline by pressing “T.”
Start typing your text in the text layer.
The text whose font you wish to modify should be highlighted.
Click the Font dropdown option in the upper toolbar.
To locate the font you wish to use, go through the list of installed fonts.
To apply a typeface to the chosen text, simply click on its name.


Congratulations! You’ve installed new fonts in Adobe Premiere Pro 2021 and learnt how to use them on text layers. Incorporating unique typefaces into your video productions may improve the aesthetic appeal and overall impact of your material dramatically. Experiment with several typefaces to discover the best fit for your video style. Now go ahead and make visually amazing films that will leave an indelible impact on your viewers. Good luck with your edits!

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